Claudio G. Müller – PH.D

Claudio G. Müller holds a PhD in Business Economics from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain. He is currently a professor in Management and Family Enterprise at Universidad de Chile in Santiago and a visiting Scholar at the Cox Family Enterprise Center in Kennesaw State University in Florida (USA). Claudio’s areas of expertise include: Family government design, succession planning, family protocol, strategic planning. He is fluent in English and Spanish.

Monica Pasache S.

Monica Passache possesses a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from l’Université Lumière-Lyon in France. She is currently a psychologist at the Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (Chile) and a member in training at the Société Française of Psychanalytic Family Therapy. Monica’s areas of expertise include: Family conflict resolution and negotiation, generational transfer, organizational diagnosis. She is fluent in Spanish and French.

Orlando A. Llanos – PH.D

Orlando A. Llanos holds a PhD in Management from the University of New England in Australia and an MBA from the Universidad Adolfo Ibañez in Santiago, Chile. He currently teaches Management and Family Enterprise at the Universidad Catolica de la Santisima Concepcion(UCSC) in Chile and owns a family enterprise. Orlando’s areas of expertise include: Corporate government and ownership, strategic planning, design of family corporate governance, organizational diagnosis. He is fluent in both Spanish and English.

Miguel Pizarro

Master in Ontological Coach and Coach Senior. Bachelor of Education, speaker in leadership. Specialist in developing Top Management Teams and integrated systems. Associate consultant. Work areas: Family conflict resolution and negotiation, generational transfer, organizational diagnosis. 

Yvette Lopez Paraviccini

Yvette Lopez Paraviccini holds a Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering from IQS Universidad Ramón Llul in Spain and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Latin American Studies from Smith College in Massachusetts (USA). Based in Bolivia, she is also owner of a family enterprise. Yvette is fluent in Spanish and English.

Ivonne Casanova M.

Ivonne Casanova holds a Bachelor’s degree in Product Design from the Universidad de Valparaiso, a Certificate in Marketing from the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile and a Certificate in New Business Development from the Universidad de Los Andes (all three in Chile). She is fluent in Spanish and English.